COST Action MP1204

SMMO Conference


Abstract Submission is closed!

Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts.


Invited talks are scheduled for 30 minutes, including ~5 minutes for questions.
Contributed talks are scheduled for 20 minutes, including ~5 minutes for questions.

The meeting room will be equipped with:
All speakers are requested to upload their presentations on the provided laptop at least at the coffee break prior to their session to ensure the event will run smoothly.

If speakers prefer to use their own laptop, they should have either a laptop with a VGA connector or their own appropriate adapter to connect to the projector (Firewire to VGA or a DisplayPort to VGA adapter, typically Mac users).


Only a limited space for poster panels is available, thus oral presentations will be prefered. Nevertheless poster presentations are welcome.

Posters should have paper format A0 with a Portrait orientation.

Please do not exceed the poster Panel dimensions if your paper format is different than A0. The poster panel clear dimensions are: 970 mm width x 1190 mm height maximum!

Thumbtacks and adhesive tapes will be provided by the Organizer before each poster session.

Authors shall remove their posters from the panels after their poster session. The Organizer is allowed to discard all posters left on the panels after this period.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us.