Big Ben radio receiver by S. M. Djaďkov at the New Homeland Czechoslovakia exhibition (photo by: Jana Plavec, AVČR)
The Czech Academy of Sciences exhibition "New Homeland Czechoslovakia" presents the work and fates of nineteen personalities who emigrated from the Russian Empire in the early 1920s. The exhibition will last until November 12, 2023.

The desire for freedom drove millions of people from their homes after 1917, who refused to accept the Bolshevik terror and the country's totalitarian course. Many Russian and Ukrainian emigrants eventually found a home in what was then Czechoslovakia. The work and fate of nineteen of them – technicians, natural scientists and doctors – will be commemorated in the exhibition New Homeland Czechoslovakia. Emigration from the former Russian Empire in interwar Czechoslovakia. starting on September 6, 2023.

An interesting feature of the exhibition are the exhibits related to the activities of emigrants, for example the Big Ben radio receiver constructed by Sergej Mikhailovich Djaďkov, the first director of our institute (then the Institute of Radio Technology and Electronics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences). This radio receiver was one of the most luxurious receivers of its time, manufactured and sold in Czechoslovakia.

The exhibition is open from September 6 to November 12, 2023 (Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and you can visit it in the Science and Art Gallery at the headquarters of the Czech Academy of Sciences on Národní třída in Prague. Free entry.

Sergej Michajlovič Djaďkov (foto: archiv ÚFE)



Výstava Nová vlast Československo přibližuje přínos emigrantů z Ruské říše

Nová vlast Československo

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