3BIO: Biophotonics and Bioelectronics for Biomedicine

seminar/networking event


Place: Institute of Photonics and Electronics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia, Prague
Date: November 25, 2016
Registration deadline: Registration closed


Selected speakers will inform about advanced and non-invasive diagnostic methods in biomedicine and biotechnology employing electric signals and high-frequency and optical radiation. Afternoon poster presentations of postdocs and students will serve as a platform for further networking.

The event is organized within the program Diagnostic methods and Techniques of the new strategy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Strategy AV21).


Young Scientist Prize of the CSS IEEE EMB




Young Scientist Prize of the CSS IEEE EMB for the best poster presentation was awarded to Tomáš Špringer from Optical  Biosensors team with contribution Functional Gold Nanoparticles for highly Sensitive Optical Detection of Cancer Biomarker.

Congratulations !



  9:15 reception of participants and refreshments

10:00 M. Hof | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences
10:20 B. Rezek | Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
10:40 V. Kopecký | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
11:00 J. Homola | Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences

11:20 coffee break

11:40 M. Piliarik | Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences
12:00 L. Baraban | Dresden University of Technology
12:20 O. Samek | Institute of Scientific Instruments, Czech Academy of Sciences
12:40 M. Cifra | Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences

13:00 1 h lunch break - for registered participants

14:00 poster session & networking

16:00 annoucement of Young Scientist Prize of the CSS IEEE EMB

Information for speakers

The presentation schedule is 15 min talk + 5 min discussion. Please adhere strictly to the schedule !


Information for poster presenters

PhD students and postdocs are welcome to submit their abstracts and present the posters. Best poster presentation will be awarded Young Scientist Prize of the CSS IEEE EMB (Czechoslovakia Section of IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter). The prize consists of diploma awarded after the poster session, 40 EUR and one year IEEE membership.

Poster format

Posters should have paper format A0 with a portrait orientation. Please do not exceed the poster panel dimensions if your paperformat is different than A0. The poster panel clear dimensions are: 900 mm width x 1550 mm height maximum. Adhesive tapes will be provided by the Organizer before the poster session. Authors shall remove their posters from the panels after the poster session. The Organizer is allowed to discard all posters left on the panels after this period.



Register early since the number of participants is limited ! If you are a speaker or wish to contribute with a poster, the title, list of authors and abstract will be required during the registration process. Registration is free of charge.

Registration closed.



Dr. Michal Cifra | cifra@ufe.cz
Dr. Daniel Havelka | havelka@ufe.cz




ÚFE provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE příspívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.


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