Proposal of new Oβ oxidation criterion for new types of the Zr1Nb alloy of fuel claddings.

Negyesi, M.
Klouček, V.
Lorinčík, J.
Novotný, L.
Kabátová, J.
Linhart, S.
Adámek, J.
Siegl, J.
Vrtílková, V.
Bibliography format: 

Negyesi, M. ; Klouček, V. ; Lorinčík, Jan ; Novotný, L. ; Kabátová, J. ; Linhart, S. ; Adámek, J. ; Siegl, J. ; Vrtílková, V. Proposal of new Oβ oxidation criterion for new types of the Zr1Nb alloy of fuel claddings. Nuclear Engineering and Design (2013)

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