We support Ukraine!
ÚFE joins the Academy of Sciences initiative offering assistance to Ukraine. Our Institute will offer scientific working stays and our employees spontaneously provide financial support to Ukraine through charitable organizations. We terminate cooperation agreements with the Russian state-funded institutions.

Czech Academy of Science initiative

ÚFE joins the Czech Academy of Sciences initiative offering assistance to Ukraine. "Scientists cannot remain silent in the face of the war in Europe. We are on the side of respecting human rights, freedoms and democracy. We express our full support to our colleagues in Ukraine and lend a helping hand," says Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The Institute will offer scientific working stays and our employees spontaneously provide financial support to Ukraine through official account of Ukrainian embassy or through charitable and humanitarian organizations, e.g. Charita, Pamět národa – Post Bellum, People in need and others. We consider intensively other ways how to help.

We share message of our colleague from Ukraine:

"… Right now, we are living the hardest times in our lives, especially my family, relatives and people, whose homes are situated in the most dangerous East Ukraine (Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson) and capital Kyiv. These 4 days of war showed that my co-citizens are fighting very successfully against Russian occupants. And my friends and brothers are not going to give up, they are fighting with a huge brave and courage, and haven't lost any city, for the moment. Also, I want to highlight the support of Czech Republic government, who presents to be real one of the best friends of Ukraine in current situation, who first starts to apply the strictest sanctions and provides significant military and humanitarian aid. We appreciate it a lot and will not forget. Thank you for your support!"

Contract termination

ÚFE joins other institutes of the Academy of Sciences and terminates cooperation agreements with the Russian state-funded institutions IAE in Novosibirsk and FORC in Moscow due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Citation from the letters terminating the cooperation:

"... We have excellent collegial relations with a number of Russian colleagues and we appreciate their professionalism. However, even scientists cannot stay away from human suffering and injustice. From a human point of view, it is inconceivable for us to work with institutions funded by the state that does not respect the fundamental values of the civilized world. In connection with the unprecedented violation of international law and the invasion of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, we join the Czech Learned Society statement and terminate all scientific cooperation agreements with the institutions of the Russian Federation. The restauration of the relations is possible only after the withdrawal of the soldiers of the Russian Federation from the invaded country and after an apology for starting the war, similar to the apology that the occupying forces led by Russia did in connection with the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Although it may be difficult for you and your colleagues, I urge you to contribute to this rebuilding trust by all available means. I believe that you and your co-workers are not indifferent to human suffering and that you understand our attitude ... "

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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